Brighten your world with cheerful, colorful EttaVee Paint Strokes artwork!
EttaVee was founded by American-born artist, designer, and social media influencer, Jessi Raulet, who’s known for her bold and optimistic hand-painted designs.
Our custom Monthly Planner is a best-selling big-picture organizer for light planning, work, and all your special projects. See for yourself why over 98% of Monthly Planner customers report it helps them stay organized and 95% say that it brings them joy*.
Convenient Calendar + Notebook: The perfect combo of calendar pages and note pages for big-picture planning, scheduling, goal setting, journaling, and productivity tracking all in one place.
Custom Planner Perfect for Your Special Project: Customize this monthly organizer to manage your side hustle, work projects, teams and clubs, and everything in between.
Get Organized, Reduce Stress, Reach Your Goals: Use this calendar planner to improve time management and productivity, reduce stress, and make big projects manageable and achievable.
High-Quality Planner Built to Last: Designed, printed, and hand-coiled in the USA with thick 80 lb. text weight paper (resists ink bleeding), this planner is truly made to last.
More Than a Planner: Comes with extras, including productivity pages, personalizable covers (also interchangeable, double-sided, and wet-erase), tabs, stickers, and more.
(Erin Condren Monthly Planner Survey 2023, N = 2,028)

© Jessica Raulet / EttaVee LLC