How to Get Organized When You Are Overwhelmed: 10 Easy Tips

How to Get Organized When You Are Overwhelmed - 10 Easy Tips - featured image of woman stressed at home desk

We've all been there—standing in the middle of a cluttered room, feeling completely overwhelmed by the chaos surrounding us. As planning experts who've helped thousands of families reclaim their homes through effective home organization, we know that feeling of stress when everything seems too messy to tackle.

But here's the truth: getting organized isn't about achieving Instagram-worthy perfection. It's about creating systems that work for your real life, taking control of your environment, even when life feels overwhelming. The impact on your mental health can be transformative—an organized home leads to an organized mind.

How to Start Organizing When You're Overwhelmed

How to Get Organized When You Are Overwhelmed - 10 Easy Tips - Drawer oganizers

The secret to conquering chaos isn't about doing everything at once—it's about taking small, intentional steps that add up to big changes. Let's break down exactly how to get started with these practical tips for when you're feeling overwhelmed by disorganization.

1. Make a List of High-Priority Areas That Need Your Attention First.

Start by identifying the areas that cause you the most stress daily. A brain dump of every room that needs attention can help clear your mind.

Is it the kitchen counter that's become a catch-all for mail and school papers? Or perhaps it's your home office that's making remote work feel impossible? Write these areas down in order of priority, creating a master list that will guide your organizing project.

Having a clear focus helps prevent that scattered feeling that comes with trying to tackle everything at once.

2. Break Tasks Into Manageable Chunks.

Instead of writing down "organize kitchen" on your to-do list, break it into smaller tasks like "sort through tupperware," "organize pantry shelves," or "clean out fridge." These bite-sized steps feel much more approachable and give you the satisfaction of checking items off your list more frequently.

Remember, completing small tasks builds momentum for tackling bigger goals.

3. Set Deadlines and Schedule Them In Your Planner.

How to Get Organized When You Are Overwhelmed - 10 Easy Tips - Set deadlines and schedule in your planner

Vague intentions rarely lead to action. Choose specific dates for your important tasks and write them down in your planner. This simple act of scheduling transforms abstract goals into concrete commitments.

Setting a deadline for each task helps ensure you'll actually complete the most important items on your list.

4. Focus On One Room at a Time.

Resist the urge to bounce between different areas. When you commit to organizing one entire room before moving to the next, you'll maintain momentum and see visible progress. Start with high-traffic areas like your workspace—proper desk organization can immediately improve your daily productivity.

This approach also prevents the common pitfall of creating more chaos by spreading items across multiple locations. At the end of the day, you'll feel accomplished seeing one area completely transformed.

5. Declutter As You Go.

How to Get Organized When You Are Overwhelmed - 10 Easy Tips - Declutter as you go using space-savers and organizers

The less you own, the less you have to organize. As you work through each step of decluttering, sort items into four categories: keep, donate, trash, and relocate.

Be honest with yourself about what you actually use and love. Remember, letting go of excess creates room for what truly matters, reducing mental health strain caused by clutter.

6. Set a Timer or Try Deep Work.

The thought of spending an entire day organizing can feel daunting. Instead, try the "timer technique"—set aside 25-minute focused sessions followed by short breaks. Using timers helps maintain focus and prevents burnout.

Or, if you prefer longer stretches, block out 90-minute "deep work" periods when you can tackle organizing projects without interruption.

7. Create a Simple Organizing System.

The best organizing systems are the ones you'll actually maintain. The right organizers can help create designated spots for items you use frequently, and make sure these areas are easily accessible.

Use clear labels and containers that make sense for your lifestyle—sometimes a simple basket works better than an elaborate filing system. Your organizing system should support your daily tasks, not complicate them.

8. Aim for Functionality, Not Perfection.

How to Get Organized When You Are Overwhelmed - 10 Easy Tips - Use functional organizers

Your home doesn't need to look like a container store catalog to be organized. Focus on creating systems that make your daily routines easier.

If your morning routine flows smoothly and you can find what you need when you need it, that's success! Remember that organizing is about making your life easier, not adding more stress to it.

9. Involve the Whole Family.

Organization isn't a solo project—especially when you share your home with others. The right family organization tools can help you get everyone involved by assigning age-appropriate tasks and creating systems everyone can follow.

This not only shares the workload but also helps ensure your organizing efforts stick. Make organizing a team effort by creating lists of responsibilities for each family member, from daily chores to meal prep assignments.

10. Commit to Long-Term Success.

How to Get Organized When You Are Overwhelmed - 10 Easy Tips - Commit to long-term success

Staying organized is a habit, not a one-time task. Follow clear steps for maintenance, setting aside regular "maintenance moments"—perhaps 15 minutes each evening or a quick weekly reset—to keep things from becoming overwhelming again.

These small, consistent actions prevent the need for major organizing overhauls.

How Can I Get Organized at Home When I'm Stressed?

How to Get Organized When You Are Overwhelmed - 10 Easy Tips - Working from home with family stressors

When stress levels are high, getting organized might feel like the last thing you want to tackle. However, creating order in your home can actually help reduce mental overwhelm.

Start with a small, contained area that will make an immediate impact on your daily life—maybe your nightstand or bathroom counter. The boost of confidence from this quick win can help motivate you to tackle larger projects.

Remember to be kind to yourself during this process. Organization isn't about perfection; it's about creating systems that support your well-being and make your life easier.

Take breaks when you need them, celebrate small victories, and remember that progress is progress, no matter how small. Each step you take brings you closer to your organization goals.

In addition, consider seeking support from friends or family who can offer encouragement and assistance as you embark on this journey. Sharing your goals can also help hold you accountable and create a sense of community in your organizing efforts.

Time-Saving Organizing Hacks for Extra-Busy Weeks

How to Get Organized When You Are Overwhelmed - 10 Easy Tips - Use pre-printed custom notepads to organize and save time

When life gets especially hectic, it can feel impossible to maintain an organized home. But with a few smart hacks, you can streamline your organizing efforts without sacrificing your precious time.

Start by adjusting the timer technique to just 10 or 15 minutes each day. During this short burst of focused activity, tackle one small area—like a kitchen drawer or a section of your closet. You’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish in a brief amount of time, and this practice keeps clutter at bay.

Another great tip is to adopt a “one in, one out” rule for your belongings. For every new item you bring into your home, commit to removing an old one. This simple principle not only helps maintain order but also prevents the accumulation of excess items.

Consider creating a “launch pad” area near your front door where you can place essential items—like keys, bags, and jackets—so you can grab them easily on your way out.

Lastly, use pre-printed custom notepads or custom wall calendar trackers to keep track of organizing tasks and grocery needs. By employing these time-saving hacks, you’ll find that maintaining an organized home becomes not just feasible, but enjoyable, even on your busiest days.

Which Erin Condren Planner Is Best for Home Organization?

How to Get Organized When You Are Overwhelmed - 10 Easy Tips - Home organization planner

When it comes to maintaining an organized home, having the right tools makes all the difference. The Home + Sort Organizational Planner is specifically designed to transform cluttered homes into organized sanctuaries.

This comprehensive system includes everything you need to create and maintain order throughout your living environment:

  • Monthly planning pages to schedule organizing tasks
  • Room-by-room checklists for thorough organization
  • Maintenance schedules to keep things tidy
  • Inventory tracking for pantry, cleaning supplies, and more
  • Dedicated sections for seasonal tasks and deep cleaning
  • Pages for notes and future project planning

What sets this planner apart is its practical, systematic approach to home organization. Rather than overwhelming you with complicated systems, it breaks down organizing tasks into manageable steps and provides clear guidance for maintaining order long-term.

The sturdy, spiral-bound design and high-quality paper make it perfect for daily use, while the beautiful aesthetic makes planning feel like a treat rather than a chore. Plus, the convenient size means you can easily carry it from room to room as you tackle different organizing tasks.

Other Planners for Everyday Organization + Work-Life Balance

How to Get Organized When You Are Overwhelmed - 10 Easy Tips - Planners for work-life balance

From the Erin Condren LifePlanner™—best everything planner for personal and professional productivity and organization—to specific guided planners like the Work Life Balance Journal and planner, whatever goals you’re working on and whatever areas of your life you want to organize, you’ll find it in our extensive planner collection.

Ready to transform your home from overwhelming to organized? Your journey to an organized life starts with having the right support system in place. Explore the Home + Sort Organizational Planner to discover how this powerful tool can help you create and maintain the organized home you've always wanted. Then head over to our organizers collection to get the functional and stylish supplies you need. With the right plan and support, you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish!

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